As a small child, I dutifully tagged along to the Petersen picnic reunion.
The food was yum, "my cousins" Jim & Sandy would be there, and I had no choice.
BUT once an "adult" (yes, even as a married mother of 4),
I would BALK, I would find EXCUSES, I never really wanted to drive to the Q-C's for a "remote" family gathering. Nope. Better things to do...
So why should YOU (and I) come NOW ???
- To Find Out WHO You are Related to !!
Believe it or not, this Family includes:
- the currently reigning "Miss Loveland" Colorado (from Adolph's branch)
- the 2015 Davenport Shriner's Potentate (from Amelia's branch)
- an architect whose work was featured in Elledecor magazine (Dora's branch)
- veterinarians (DVM's) practicing in IA, WA, and Ireland
- folks living in CA, FL, MN, WI, IL, CO, WA, TX, NC ...
- spouses from Ireland, India, and the Netherlands
- and still plenty of farmers, 4-H families, & flag-waving Americans of German descent!
Skim through all 7 Family Branch charts--and you'll probably feel related to HALF the county! And indeed, you are!!! Detailed family charts will be available at the Reunion!!
- For the Benefit of your Children/ Grandkids (They NEED to come!) When a team of psychologists measured children's resilience, they found that the kids who could best handle stress were those who knew the most about their family's history. The more that children know about their family, the stronger their sense of control over their lives and the higher their self-esteem. These children have a strong sense of "intergenerational self"--they understand that they belong to something bigger than themselves, and that families naturally experience both highs and lows. So they, too, can cope! [from The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler]
- To have FUN!!!
Jokes, Games, Music, Food...
the more laughter you invest, the greater EVERYONE's memories will be!
- As a Tribute to your loved ones
For me, that is Anna Catherine Petersen Berger--A.K.A. "Grandma"
She was a phenomenal influence in my upbringing...and my love for her will never end.
I will attend this final reunion in her memory, because this IS her family! AND
I will attend this final reunion in honor of my mother, Ruth Berger Willers...
who taught me that nothing is more important than Family, except God !!!
(And even if I have a so-so time at the reunion, the JOY on her face will make it all worthwhile)
- Because this may be your LAST CHANCE . . .
to see the photos to hear the stories to connect
with cousins who share your past & present worlds
Return to a place called HOME.
Return to a place called HOME.
June 24 to 26, 2016